The available credit on your employee corporate credit cards may fluctuate creating a variety of issues for your organization. Specifically, if they have a set limit attached to their corporate credit cards. Reductions in available credit can easily affect your personnel when they find they unable to book upcoming hotel stays. Many hotels authorize and lock up enough credit to cover that stay plus additional incidentals and the possibility of reservation extensions. The balance may rise unexpectedly in these situations. This balance fluctuation related to your corporate credit cards may cause quite a bit of unnecessary issues such as not having the credit to use their cards when needed. The last thing a company needs are phone calls from employees on the road that their credit card is not working. [caption id="attachment_26" align="aligncenter" width="300"] For Crews Traveling, Credit Cards or Direct Bill? Which is best?[/caption] CrewFacilities has a solution for you. It entails applying for and setting up a direct bill account with them so that they will only send you a consolidated bill to cover the weekly costs for your crews. The team at CrewFacilities led by Andrea Tsakanikas will go a step further and analyze each item on the bill so that any errors or additional charges can be eliminated. So all you pay for is what you authorized. The rate, the number of nights and the number of rooms. Eliminating any headaches associated with fluctuating credit card balances and unavailable credit. Work with to manage your personnel group travel.
Posted by: andrea_admin